While contemplating the decision of having a baby, the thought of my extreme involvement in our music department crossed my mind alot. I thought to myself, surely I can make til about eight months, then we'll just have to figure it out from there. Let me just tell you folks....nine weeks in and I'm almost passing out trying to get through one song. Wow! I will admit I was the childless person who always said stuff like, "Seriously, there is NO way she has to go the the bathroom THAT often", or "ok she is totally milking this out of breath symptom." hehehehehehe...I apologize sincerely...this baby growing stuff is no monkey business!! Here is some info that helped me know I'm not going crazy about my hard to breathe symptom...
"Even though your waistline expands you still won't look pregnant. However, one of the most dramatic changes during pregnancy is your blood volume. You will create approximately 50% more blood, your body's way of helping your uterus grow as well as carry more oxygen and nutrients to your baby. More blood also means your heart is working harder to pump it through your body and your blood vessels will dilate faster and you might find yourself short of breath more often."--Baby Bump
I was told by a New Life member (RJ) that my maternity leave would be this...the day before delivery, the day I have the baby, and the day after...I believe his words were, "You have singing to do!" RJ, I will try......but I doubt that's gonna happen :)
Baby Info: Your baby is .9 inches long, about the size of a green olive, and it weighs .07 oz.
This week the embryonic tail disappears. The hands and feet look alot less like paddles and have formed fingers and toes. These changes give your baby a more human shape. Your baby's head is still larger than the rest of the body and the eyes are fully developed, but are covered by the eyelids which are fused shut for the next 16 weeks or so. Inside your baby's body the internal reproductive organs, testes or ovaries, are starting to form but will not be quite distinguishable until the next couple of weeks.