Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Olive you sooo much, Baby!

Week 9 and we are healthy and happy! They say it's good to have nausea because it means you hormones are pumping to help create a healthy baby...well I must say this baby may have to be grounded for the first 18 yrs of its life for all the symptoms I've been experiencing. Seriously I think I may just move into the bathroom. I seem to be visiting every 20 minutes...just the other night before bed, as I was eating watermelon (smart I know), I told Derek,"man I hope I don't have to get up 100 times to go potty tonight." Well unfortunately that wasn't the case..I seem to recall sleepwalking to the potty about four times, and I know that I RAN full force on one occasion.

While contemplating the decision of having a baby, the thought of my extreme involvement in our music department crossed my mind alot. I thought to myself, surely I can make til about eight months, then we'll just have to figure it out from there. Let me just tell you folks....nine weeks in and I'm almost passing out trying to get through one song. Wow! I will admit I was the childless person who always said stuff like, "Seriously, there is NO way she has to go the the bathroom THAT often", or "ok she is totally milking this out of breath symptom." hehehehehehe...I apologize sincerely...this baby growing stuff is no monkey business!! Here is some info that helped me know I'm not going crazy about my hard to breathe symptom...
"Even though your waistline expands you still won't look pregnant. However, one of the most dramatic changes during pregnancy is your blood volume. You will create approximately 50% more blood, your body's way of helping your uterus grow as well as carry more oxygen and nutrients to your baby. More blood also means your heart is working harder to pump it through your body and your blood vessels will dilate faster and you might find yourself short of breath more often."--Baby Bump

I was told by a New Life member (RJ) that my maternity leave would be this...the day before delivery, the day I have the baby, and the day after...I believe his words were, "You have singing to do!" RJ, I will try......but I doubt that's gonna happen :)

Baby Info: Your baby is .9 inches long, about the size of a green olive, and it weighs .07 oz.
This week the embryonic tail disappears. The hands and feet look alot less like paddles and have formed fingers and toes. These changes give your baby a more human shape. Your baby's head is still larger than the rest of the body and the eyes are fully developed, but are covered by the eyelids which are fused shut for the next 16 weeks or so. Inside your baby's body the internal reproductive organs, testes or ovaries, are starting to form but will not be quite distinguishable until the next couple of weeks.

Monday, February 22, 2010

8 Weeks 5 Days

Today was the day...our first prenatal visit. One thing I can say is Derek and I had totally different feelings about this appointment. I wasn't nervous, but a little anxious to make sure all was well and to hear about a healthy baby! My husband, being a very private and modest guy, was feeling a little more awkward about the whole situation. lol. His #1 question (thankfully stated only to me) was, "How can someone choose this profession?!?" haha, this made our wait for the doctor quite humorous. I am very thankful that we did experience this first appointment together. For me personally it was a serious reality check like, "hello! I know your not showing yet, but YOU JUST SAW THE HEART BEAT OF YOUR BABY...guess you really gotta start eating healthy, Leish!" Needless to say, we cant wait to go to the 5 month visit to find out what we are having!

Now for the important details. Baby looks perfectly healthy! We are at 8 weeks and 5 days (6 days in 22 minutes :)) which puts our due date on exactly the day I figured up...September 30, 2010. We didn't get to hear the heart beat, however it was very visible on the ultrasound. According to the doc, and nurse, I have just the right size pelvic region so that I would be able to deliver a 12 pounder...yikes! Lets just all pray this doesn't happen (considering my brother [Ryan] and Derek's nephew [Luke] were both in the 11 pound range), I'd rather not pop out a toddler!!! Because of the healthy report, the chance of a miscarriage has dropped from 20% to 5%. We were happy to hear that.

This day will forever be a great memory. We were fortunate to get the appointment on video with Derek's handy dandy flip camera. Derek and I are both grateful to everyone who has expressed their excitement to us! We are so happy to share this experience with our family, friends, and New Life! Our New Life family is making the process sooo much fun. Everyone cares so much, and we truly appreciate it!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Raspberries are pink, right??!

Soooooo I know I said I didn't care what I'm having, but secretly deep down inside, I think my heart is desiring a girl. Shhh don't tell! :) I just can't resist the thought of dressing her up in her finest most unique outfits, having her wrapped around her daddy's finger, singing as soon as she learns how to speak, teaching her the art of shopping and cooking (not so much cleaning hahaha, thats not fun)...This will put Derek in a house four to one...Mommy, Maggie, Chloe, and baby girl against HIM...poor guy!

However, if it is a boy, I will be just as excited. Having a lil buddy, his daddy can teach him how to be a preacher, I'll teach him how to treat of a lady...he will also be a little singer/songwriter/ musician :) Life will be good no matter what! Many people have asked if we are going to find out the sex of the baby. I have to say YES! without a doubt no way I could stand to wait for that huge detail (it'll be hard enough waiting til the twenty- something week!). We go to see the doc for our first visit and snap shot ultrasound this Monday. I will keep everyone posted!

Week 8: Baby is .63 inches, about the size of a raspberry weighing .04oz.
By now, your baby's head is proportionally larger than the rest of the body and the ears and eyelids are developing. Fingers and toes are developing from the arm and leg buds which now have distinguished wrists and elbows that can even flex. At this stage your baby's heart rate is around 150 beats per minute.
Keep us in your prayers!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Maybe it's Madame Blueberry!

Day one of week they werent joking (not even a lil bit) when they said the sixth week starts with morning sickness. Yikes! talk about a miserable feeling. Hopefully this will pass soon, I have been experiencing nausea (without the puking, THANK GOD) I think I am learning how to deal with it I'm praying this week will be little easier :)

Derek and I celebrated our three year anniversary yesterday. We came to visit Nana and Grandpa in Orange and baby Laura in Houston for a few days. I feel so bad that I've been feeling under the weather, but everyone's been taking good care of me! Someone said this will be our last anniversary without having to find a babysitter...hehe...thankfully, I don't think we will ever have any trouble finding a sitter :)

Only 230 more days..haha "only" seems like forever. Our weekly update from baby bump.....Baby is .51 inches, the size of a blueberry and less than .04 oz. This week your baby's brain is becoming more complex and is developing cavities and passages vital for circulating spinal fluid. Your baby's face is also becoming more defined with the lenses of the eyes and middle part of the ear forming. Tiny arms, legs, hands and feet are also just beginning to bud..... Keep us in your prayers....I don't care if it's a boy or girl, just want a healthy baby!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sweet Dreams

The Saints are going to the SUPERBOWL! Finally this day has come, yet some people still try to belittle it for us. So sad that people choose to be rude and ruthless at such a historical uplifting time for our city!! Thought I would take this time to vent a little, but lighten it up with the crazy dream I had last night.

Since I've become pregnant I literally have not been able to sleep through an entire night without getting up either to try to relieve the pain of some minor cramps, or use the restroom haha....Well last night I told my hubby, "Ya know, I wish I could just sleep through the entire night tonight." Well I did, and along with it came some wild and crazy dreams :0) which is VERY usual for me. Here ya go...
.....New Life choir was meeting in a large meeting room in our very modern newly constructed church. It was the Saturday before Superbowl Sunday....The saints were gonna go all the way in this game! We were about to start our choir clinic with Johnathan and Carla Dean. Everyone was so excited, it was going to be a great weekend. In my dream each choir member paid a small fee to attend the clinic that was hosted by the the Deans. As Carla began to welcome everyone, she started to unfold the plans for Sunday's service. She proceeded to tell the choir that eveyone was to wear neutral colors for the service. Then and there in my dream I knew we had a problem. You see Pastor Parker had requested that ALL church members where black because we were going to have a black out in order to support our team. I pulled Carla to the side and tried to explain how important it was that we all wear black on Sunday. She tried to understand, but was noticeable frusterated about this terrible idea. She told me, " Your choir members paid me to instruct them during this clinic, and we ARE GOING TO wear neutral colors"...Me, trying to be polite kindly told her, "Don't you think it will look a little ridiculous if the whole church is doing a black out and the choir is sitting up there in neutral colors?!??"...
Still she did not get it! Sooo I brought sweet little Sis. Parker into it and we kept saying how important it was for us to wear all black.......I really dont know what ended up happening cuz I woke up....but I'm just taking this as a sign from the Lord....SAINTS GO ALL THE WAY and saints fans we deserve this!!! I love New Orleans!!!

By the way, Carla Dean is the sweetest person I know, and in no way, shape or form would she ever do that to us hehe!! Dunno where that came from!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Peas and Carrots

Today is the first day of my sixth week of pregnancy. To be honest it hasn't been as easy going as I thought it woud be. I have experienced a little more pain/ discomfort than I ever expected. Some days are better than others. My only side affect up to this point has been fatigue. I know it will be all worth it once our little one is here, healthy and happy.

Some interesting facts this week is .25 inches in size...the size of a small pea weighing less than .04 oz. Here is some information regarding week six from my Baby Bump App on my iphone...
"Your baby is rapidly growing and will triple in size this week. Basic facial features such as eyes and ears are becoming more developed and the neural groove will have closed by this time. The tiny heart is starting to pump blood. Along the midline, 40 tiny blocks of tissue are developing which will eventually become the backbone, ribs, and muscles of your baby's back and sides."

Isn't it exciting?! When I heard eyes and ears developing it hit me...There's a baby growing in me!!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tiny Fingers, Tiny Toes...Boy or Girl Nobody Knows

So Derek and I recently found out we are going to have a baby! I figured this would be a good time to start keeping track of our memories...therefore start a blog. Hopefully once the little one comes I can find time to keep it up :) I hope to be able to keep everyone informed with details and crazy facts as we go through this journey. We are both very excited and grateful to everyone who has congratulated us!
Currently I am in my 5th week and the
estimated due date is September
30th. We go see the doctor for our snap shot ultra sound on February 22nd. It will be so exciting to see the little peanut and experience this adventure! Everyone has been waiting and the day has finally come. We are thrilled that we get to share this time with family, friends and New Life....We appreciate your thoughts and prayers!!! Thank You Jesus for this wonderful blessing!