Today is the first day of my sixth week of pregnancy. To be honest it hasn't been as easy going as I thought it woud be. I have experienced a little more pain/ discomfort than I ever expected. Some days are better than others. My only side affect up to this point has been fatigue. I know it will be all worth it once our little one is here, healthy and happy.
Some interesting facts this week is .25 inches in size...the size of a small pea weighing less than .04 oz. Here is some information regarding week six from my Baby Bump App on my iphone...
"Your baby is rapidly growing and will triple in size this week. Basic facial features such as eyes and ears are becoming more developed and the neural groove will have closed by this time. The tiny heart is starting to pump blood. Along the midline, 40 tiny blocks of tissue are developing which will eventually become the backbone, ribs, and muscles of your baby's back and sides."
Isn't it exciting?! When I heard eyes and ears developing it hit me...There's a baby growing in me!!!!
How exciting!! I remember the food comparisons to the baby! haha Just wait til it says "Baby is the size of a watermelon!" At that point, you'll be thinking it's way off, because it'll feel even bigger! :) Such a fun and exciting time, soak it all in and enjoy it because it goes by way too quickly. I'm sure you've heard it a million times already, but as a new mommy myself, it's still sinking in, but get ALL the sleep you can, take random road trips, little things like that will become huge ordeals after baby arrives. :) I'm so exciting for you & Derek, you're joining an exclusive club, you know! haha Can't wait to find out what you're having, that is going to be one well loved baby! Congrats to you both, tell Derek the same! :) Love y'all!