Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, April 16, 2010

Holy Guacamole!

Boy have I gotten my energy back! Me, mom, and Michelle painted ALL day yesterday...finally my house looks semi normal again. Surprisingly I was back up and at em at a fairly early hour this morning, so baby Parker is letting me get back to a normal routine. My appetite still isn't quite right....I'm not a morning person, nor do I enjoy eating breakfast, so I find myself forcing down a small amount of food every morning. This isn't my favorite :(
Slowly but surely the baby bump is growing, but I have only gained three pounds thus far. My next appointment is this Tuesday (not to be confused with next Tuesday ;)) I will be taking sweet Dottie with me to hear the heartbeat again. In May we will have our five month ultrasound, and hopefully the baby will be ready to tell us whether it's a boy or girl :)I may or may not have felt Baby Parker moving around in there.....considering I have never been preggo before, I can't tell you for sure. At twelve weeks, while laying in bed, I felt a few flutters that I'm pretty sure were baby flutters. Last night was different. Being busy all day, I took a late night relaxing bath. Once I got settled into bed....I had to sneeze. Well......I am the kinda girl that enjoys a good sneeze. I don't have cute, petite, hold it all in kinda sneezes (unless it just isn't the appropriate time to deafen somebody, ie. a funeral) If you have never heard me sneeze it is obnoxiously loud (they call me Anna, an say I got it from my grandma)...Needless to say, I must have woke up the baby. I felt several different movements that I can't really maybe it was the baby, I dunno?!?
Baby Info: Baby is 4.6 inches, about the size of an avocado, weighing 3.5 oz. This week your baby's limbs are much more developed, legs and arms are longer and are becoming more controlled in movement. Your baby's skeletal system is developing more as calcium is deposited onto the bones. Over the next couple of weeks your baby's weight will double.
Watch what you say...tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean she can now pick up your voice (or sneezes :)) A few more minuscule changes: Eyebrows, lashes, an hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming.

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