I must start with an apology for not keeping my word last week. I promised that I would blog and never followed through....I feel terrible about that, (biggest fan). This is also why I am dead tired and staying up to finish this week's blog tonight. Last week was busy, I went and visited my bff in Bossier, and had a long drive home on Thursday. Next thing I know its Easter weekend packed with errands, church, family, and no free time to sit down and be creative with my blog. This week an expected yet unexpected miracle happened. Baby Laura (from New Life, who has been in Houston with an enlarged heart) received a heart yesterday and went through a successful heart transplant surgery last night. It all happened so fast...we jumped in the car this morning, drove to Houston, visited with the Mains/Morgans, drove back to Nana and Grandpa's and I am now dead tired, yet thankful for this comfy bed that Grandpa has sacrificed, as well as the miracle that has taken place in Laura's situation!.....so I must combine last week and this week in one fabulously amazing post. OHHH the pressure...
Last week was pretty uneventful, as far as pregnancy goes...I'm still not showing very much. I stopped at Mimi's boutique (in clearview mall) to look at Keesha's stuff. (ps..Keesha has gotten a contract with the owner and is now selling her K Collection's accessories in Mimi's!!! Congrats to her! go check it out people) So I go in to throw her name around, let the owner know she's one of my best friends and that I am only looking to purchase her stuff..hehe...this sparks up a convo of how I am prego and due in September....seriously, she didn't believe me. I had to tell her I wasn't lying about 5 times. People look at me like I'm a liar.. maybe not that dramatic, but its awkward when I'm introduced, "This is my neighbor Leisha", to someone and the second statement is "she's in her second trimester!!"......random person I have just met ***blank stare*** "REALLY?!?!"
Week 14: Baby is 3.4 inches weighing 1.5oz, about the size of a lemon.
This week your baby's well defined face can also make expressions
like a squint or a frown. Some babies may even start growing hair on the head or on the face, such as eye brows. If your baby is a girl her eggs will have already developed inside her ovaries. If your having a boy, his prostate gland is developing. Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine, and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys, and spleen continue to develop.
As week 15 is just beginning, I really don't have much to go on...but I do know that something is going on in there. I have been having minor uncomfortable feelings. Baby Parker is growing as well as my uterus. It's moving on up, so I've been experiencing these new adjustments. Tonight I did get quite irritated (hence the multiple tweets) as I did some research. I happened to stumble upon some photos of miscarriages, very sad, but phenomenal to see the development of a fetus...which IS a BABY/HUMAN BEING/ CREATION OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD...just in case there was any confusion...this then lead me to some photos of abortions. I am literally sickened at what takes place...I won't get into details, and *I will say if you have had an abortion in your past God obviously forgives and you can be/are taken care of by mercy, grace, and covered by the blood. I am in no way directing this to any personal situations.* As Christians we just need to be aware that these things are taking place around us and we should not sit quietly as an agenda is being pushed...all because we are scared to be mocked, ridiculed, or persecuted. It's going to happen whether we keep our mouths shut or we STAND UP FOR WHAT WE BELIEVE IN. Notice this clever quote shockingly made by the now elected President of the United States of America..(it disgusts me!)
Week 15: Baby is 4.0 inches weighing 2.5 oz, about the size of a naval orange.
The hair on your baby's head is growing in and the follicles will make pigment if your baby has dark hair. Around the body, there is a fine hair (lanugo) to protect against being constantly exposed to amniotic fluid. Your baby's skin is thin and nearly translucent and if you were to take a look inside your womb you'd see small blood vessels forming underneath the skin. Some babies may even be starting to suck their thumb around this time. Continuing the march toward normal proportions, baby's legs now out measure his arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably cant feel the movements just yet.Thanks for reading this incredibly long post :)
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